Is the relationship of Guru can be ignored
Lot of books have been read and lot of thoughts have been stored in my mind. Sometimes it pushes me to materialistic ways and sometimes in spiritual ways. Because books were my treasure and I thought that will cross the ocean for me. There was no concern about my life process. Also there was not a strong capability to perceive the core of who I am. I am sure the education and parents and lovers and friends are not capable enough to provide a strong perception about my life process. Many a times I don't even know I have a option to perceive the core life process. Mind and body can grasp the attention through out my life. Also the society has 1000 norms that I have to follow from education to job to marriage to children that can squeeze every material strength that I have. Never I thought I can do kriya for an hour that can open the core of my being and when it happened , whatever that flowed out of me made extremely lively. First time I knew the beauty of creation.
If devotion tied the thread between you and God. Love ties between you and human beings. Guru takes the full beautiful responsibility to shower the grace to provide the perception to understand about you. Most of the time, if I break the cord , it is he who stood with me in unbelievable ways to grow me to freedom.
This relationship with Guru is so important. The importance of that can be understood by the grace of Guru himself. This is the only relation that cannot be retarded and the only relation that becomes the life breathe in life and after it.
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