I have been reading a book which talked about the presence throughout of it. What is presence actually. What is present actually. To understand this , you have to tell everyone that is something is present. What is that you can say that can be seen by the last man.
The presence is not physical by any means because presence becomes absence in due course of time. Whole living beings after few years are seen as top soil. Their presence are in other people mind and those thoughts are forgotten to thin air after some time . Then what is the presence that we have to understand.
Is about your presence or my presence or his God presence or her God presence. Is presence a lie.
The basic awareness is that we do not have to identify the presence with some person or some God, the presence itself is very much complete by itself. Moreover the most important thing to be aware is the presence is the only one that is present.
Your presence is the only thing that exists and all the other things are pure identifications. More we involve in the presence, the presence is stronger felt. Is this presence good or bad?
The presence is beyond good and bad, it is purely felt in dissolution. It is only felt that if we are willing to feel something that is beyond the thoughts and body. It is by feeling the presence , the distinction between your presence and Guru's presence becomes so narrow and at last there is only one presence and it ends with a single presence and that is the only presence, THE PRESENCE...
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